Category Archives: Lying

Frozen – Disney, 2013

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Fear can be a very powerful emotion. It can affect a person deep down in their heart, becoming their enemy. It doesn’t even need to be a fear of something physical. Many people are afraid of what makes them different from their peers, and acting out of fear is often the cause of bad life choices such as Isolation. Separating ourselves from the ones who love us the most can intensify fear rather than ease it since it limits their ability to help. Thankfully, love is also a powerful emotion, even if it can sometimes be difficult to recognize true love over someone who is simply acting out the part for their own gain. Love is when your own needs seem trivial in comparison to theirs. Being the receiver of such genuine affection can “thaw” the cold fear in a heart, and bring out all of the best qualities a person has to offer.

The Emperor’s New Grove – Disney, 2000

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The Emperor's New Groove
The Emperor’s New Groove
Emperor Kuzco thought he had it all: he had money, and everyone in his kingdom did every little thing that he wanted. He wasn’t necessarily nice about his requests, but he didn’t care about anyone else’s needs or feelings, as long as his own wishes were fulfilled. When his personal adviser has officially had it with him and tries to kill him, he is mistakenly changed into a llama. This bizarre, yet hysterical adventure teaches him about the value of friendship as well as what it truly means to be a good leader. Money and power may be nice, but true friendship and loyalty are priceless. After all, no one wants to help out someone who is selfish and cruel, but is your dear friend is in trouble, you are willing to bend over backwards to get them the help they need.

Hotel Transylvania – Columbia Pictures, 2012

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Hotel Transylvania
Hotel Transylvania


After his wife is killed by humans, Dracula wants a safe place to raise his daughter, Mavis. By building the Hotel Transylvania, he not only protects his daughter, but he also has provided a sanctuary for all monsters. He believes that he has thoroughly hidden his hotel in a place where humans could never find them until Jonathan arrives and throws Drac’s perfect little world completely off kilter. Because SOME humans were bad, Drac had assumed that ALL humans were. Jonathan, however, shows Dracula and the other monsters that there actually are some humans worth liking. But, what really throws everyone for a loop is the “zing” that happens between Mavis and Jonathan, proving that you don’t have to be exactly alike to find love in one another.

Megamind – Dreamworks, 2010

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Two infants from a doomed planet come rocketing to earth. One crashes into the mansion of a wealthy couple; the other lands in a correctional facility. The end up going to school together, and their very different home lives have very different receptions at the school. The wealthy boy is loved by all. The one raised by prison inmates is scorned, no matter what he accomplishes. Their rivalry turns them into a super hero and super villain. However, the “good always prevails over evil” that is assumed by all, actually, does not work the way we all believe that it should. Sometimes, the one who appears to be the good guy is just a person going through the motions to gain acceptance. Sometimes, the one who appears to be the bad guy is just a person reacting to the hurt that he feels because no one will accept him for who he is. It is a person’s intent that needs to be considered when trying to understand someone’s behavior.