Category Archives: By the Book

How To Train Your Dragon – Dreamworks, 2010

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How To Train Your Dragon
How To Train Your Dragon
Everyone is unique. If you try to be like everyone else by following the crowd, you won’t live up to your own special talents and passions. Try to understand the other people and creatures around you. Children have the greatest struggle with this, and need our understanding and guidance in order to help them to discover the greatness within themselves. Everyone has reasons for doing the things that they do. Listen to opposing sides, really LISTEN. Once you realize each other’s differences, those differences can actually be productively used to enhance the community as a whole. Life certainly isn’t easy, and we all make mistakes, but you need to take responsibility for those mistakes in order to find solutions. Fight for what you believe in, and especially fight for those you love, but always remember that kindness goes much further than cruelty.


The Princess And The Frog – Disney, 2009

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The Princess And The Frog
The Princess And The Frog


As children, we all believe in the magic of wishes and of dreams coming true simply if we want them bad enough. As adults, we learn that we really need to add hard work into the equation. Methods involving laziness, gambling and/or dishonesty may seem at first to be the faster way towards a goal, but they are certainly not the way to go for long term success. Hard work may be the slower route, but it is more likely to pay off in the end. The one part of the equation that many devoted workers overlook, however, is the importance of love and family. All the money and possessions in the world don’t mean much if you don’t have someone to share them with. You may want success and riches, but everyone needs special people in their lives who will not only help you achieve your dreams, but who will also stick with you through your difficult times and celebrate all of your successes.

Monsters vs Aliens – Dreamworks, 2009

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Monsters vs Aliens
Monsters vs Aliens


Growing up, we all have dreams of what we want our life to be like in the future, and we aim ourselves in that direction. Life has a funny way of throwing curve balls into our well laid plans. When Susan is about to marry the man of her dreams, she is hit by a meteor and grows into “Ginormica”. Now that she literally no longer fits into the social norm, she discovers that the man of her dreams isn’t willing to accept her for better or for worse after all. She also discovers that she is capable of more than just being a supportive housewife as she and her monster friends battle aliens to save the world. Not being just like everyone else isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Brave – Disney, 2012

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Every culture has their own opinions on how women should be raised to behave, and most would frown upon Merida’s love of archery and lack of interest in a spouse. Parents often push towards having their child fit into society instead of their child’s passions. They feel that this is what is best for them. However, this ignores what is truly important: the ability to be oneself. Forcing someone into a role that isn’t of their choosing rarely ends well. More likely, it results in spiteful actions that can often tear the very fabric of the relationship forever. The best way to mend it is to try to see things from the other’s point of view, and allow some of the freedom that is craved. Understanding and forgiveness are unveiled from there.

Tinkerbell – Disney, 2008

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Everyone has a talent. A person’s talent may not be as glamorous or majestic as they would like for it to be, but all are worth of pride. Even small actions are important – it can take many workers doing little things to create something big. Be true to yourself and the unique skills that you have. Be creative, have fun with it, and keep trying for your goal. Everyone makes mistakes now and then, but it’s important to take responsibility for your actions and do your best to correct the mistakes that you make. Different people have different gifts. That’s what makes us who we are. While it is OK to admire someone else for their abilities, it is best to remember that dreams don’t come true by being something that you are not.

Bolt – Disney, 2008

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This film shows a lot of what goes on “behind the scenes” of a movie. It also gives a wonderful perspective into what many people hold important (fame), as opposed to what is really important (family and friends). The life of an actor seems very attractive to most kids. After all, they seem to get love and attention from adoring fans, along with lots of money, and that appears to be a great life.This film has the courage to show the sacrifice that is demanded in order to become a star, and makes one wonder if it is worth the price. It also helps children realize that just because they see something on TV, doesn’t mean that it is true.

The Book of Life – 20th Century Fox, 2014

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The Book of Life
The Book of Life
This movie attempts to give viewers a glimpse of Mexican folklore with a story imaginative told as a puppet show. The story that is told has several lessons to heed during the process of growing up, but they all revolve around the idea of being true to yourself:                                                                              1) Follow your passion
2) Don’t try to be exactly like your parents
3) Do what you believe to be RIGHT as opposed to what others expect of you
4) Have respect for other people and who they are inside, regardless of how they look, or what others expect of them.
5) A true hero does not arise from strength and bravery, but from selflessness
6) “Anyone can die…have the courage to live”

The Lego Movie – Warner Brothers, 2014

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The Lego Movie
The Lego Movie


Legos have been fascinating children for generations. Many people are very serious about following the instructions to make sure that the structures look EXACTLY as they are designed to look. There are also those, however, who prefer to step away from the instructions to create from their own imaginations. The Lego Movie’s hero, Emmett, artfully allows children to see that there is a time and place for both types of creation. Sometimes it’s best to follow the rules and work as a team. But other times, problem solving requires the creative use of our minds. These creative talents should definitely be encouraged to grow. Emmett learns another lesson as well: what you really need to succeed is to simply believe in yourself. Your world doesn’t need to be absolutely perfect, as long as you are true to yourself.

Happily N’Ever After – Vanguard Films / Odyssey Entertainment, 2006

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Happily N'Ever After
Happily N’Ever After
In this collection of fairy tales, we all know how each one is SUPPOSED to end. However, just because people grow to expect something to turn out a certain way, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the BEST way to turn out. In this story, the handsome prince isn’t much of a prize. He may be handsome, and have lots of money, but he isn’t very smart, and doesn’t know how to do much of anything. The damsel in distress is stronger than anyone thought she would be. She starts off desperately seeking out the prince’s assistance when her world turns upside down, but the seven dwarfs help her to stand and fight on her own. Finally, marrying the dishwasher turns out to be what’s best for the would-have-been princess. After all, he is the one who loves her for who she is, and he always has. Don’t live entirely by the book – write your own ending (or beginning).