Category Archives: Love

Ice Age – 20th Century Fox, 2002

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Ice Age
Ice Age


This is the story of a group of very different individuals: Sid – annoying and not too bright, but has an unselfish heart. Manny – just wants to be left alone, as he is accustomed. And Diego – works to get ahead in life any way he can so that he feels respected. Being thrown together by circumstance, Sid, the most unlikely of teachers, shows Manny and Diego the true meaning of friendship. The each learns to appreciate each other’s unique characteristics as they journey to return a human baby to his village. The goal, at first, seems absurd to Manny and Diego, who believe he will grow up to hunt them. But there is a spark of hope at the child’s reunion with his father that such an act of kindness will bring peace between the two “herds”. Just because someone seems completely different from you on the outside, doesn’t mean that they don’t share some of their inner values with you. If you get to know someone before you judge them, you may find a friend where you least expect it.

Frozen – Disney, 2013

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Fear can be a very powerful emotion. It can affect a person deep down in their heart, becoming their enemy. It doesn’t even need to be a fear of something physical. Many people are afraid of what makes them different from their peers, and acting out of fear is often the cause of bad life choices such as Isolation. Separating ourselves from the ones who love us the most can intensify fear rather than ease it since it limits their ability to help. Thankfully, love is also a powerful emotion, even if it can sometimes be difficult to recognize true love over someone who is simply acting out the part for their own gain. Love is when your own needs seem trivial in comparison to theirs. Being the receiver of such genuine affection can “thaw” the cold fear in a heart, and bring out all of the best qualities a person has to offer.

How To Train Your Dragon – Dreamworks, 2010

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How To Train Your Dragon
How To Train Your Dragon
Everyone is unique. If you try to be like everyone else by following the crowd, you won’t live up to your own special talents and passions. Try to understand the other people and creatures around you. Children have the greatest struggle with this, and need our understanding and guidance in order to help them to discover the greatness within themselves. Everyone has reasons for doing the things that they do. Listen to opposing sides, really LISTEN. Once you realize each other’s differences, those differences can actually be productively used to enhance the community as a whole. Life certainly isn’t easy, and we all make mistakes, but you need to take responsibility for those mistakes in order to find solutions. Fight for what you believe in, and especially fight for those you love, but always remember that kindness goes much further than cruelty.


The Princess And The Frog – Disney, 2009

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The Princess And The Frog
The Princess And The Frog


As children, we all believe in the magic of wishes and of dreams coming true simply if we want them bad enough. As adults, we learn that we really need to add hard work into the equation. Methods involving laziness, gambling and/or dishonesty may seem at first to be the faster way towards a goal, but they are certainly not the way to go for long term success. Hard work may be the slower route, but it is more likely to pay off in the end. The one part of the equation that many devoted workers overlook, however, is the importance of love and family. All the money and possessions in the world don’t mean much if you don’t have someone to share them with. You may want success and riches, but everyone needs special people in their lives who will not only help you achieve your dreams, but who will also stick with you through your difficult times and celebrate all of your successes.

Monsters vs Aliens – Dreamworks, 2009

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Monsters vs Aliens
Monsters vs Aliens


Growing up, we all have dreams of what we want our life to be like in the future, and we aim ourselves in that direction. Life has a funny way of throwing curve balls into our well laid plans. When Susan is about to marry the man of her dreams, she is hit by a meteor and grows into “Ginormica”. Now that she literally no longer fits into the social norm, she discovers that the man of her dreams isn’t willing to accept her for better or for worse after all. She also discovers that she is capable of more than just being a supportive housewife as she and her monster friends battle aliens to save the world. Not being just like everyone else isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

The Good Dinosaur – Disney, 2015

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The Good Dinosaur
The Good Dinosaur
Life can be difficult when you are the smallest. The world around you seems rather frightening, and it doesn’t help when you have a larger brother who takes his amusement from playing on your fears. Yet, all little Arlo can think about is the family mark on the stone wall – the ultimate trophy. Arlo’s father tried to toughen him up by having him capture and kill a critter who is stealing the family’s food. When his father’s death results from pursuit of the critter (a human boy), he wrongly blames it for his misfortune. Even so, the critter, Spot, is determined to gain his friendship. They realize that they have a lot in common, like the loss of family. With Spot’s help, Arlo discovers that he is capable of much more than he ever thought possible. Strength comes from growing up. He also learns to appreciate the joy and beauty in the love of his family, as well as in the little things around him. For these are the most important things in life, not the trophies he found to be so important in his youth.


Brave – Disney, 2012

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Every culture has their own opinions on how women should be raised to behave, and most would frown upon Merida’s love of archery and lack of interest in a spouse. Parents often push towards having their child fit into society instead of their child’s passions. They feel that this is what is best for them. However, this ignores what is truly important: the ability to be oneself. Forcing someone into a role that isn’t of their choosing rarely ends well. More likely, it results in spiteful actions that can often tear the very fabric of the relationship forever. The best way to mend it is to try to see things from the other’s point of view, and allow some of the freedom that is craved. Understanding and forgiveness are unveiled from there.

Brother Bear – Disney, 2003

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Brother Bear
Brother Bear


Set in an arctic environment, this is a coming of age story of three Inuit brothers. The oldest has the challenge of guiding the other two, who are always squabbling. Each has been given a totem once they came of age to help guide them into manhood. The eldest, Sitka – The Eagle of Guidance. The middle brother, Denahi ‘s totem is Wisdom (although we are not informed of the animal spirit that goes with it). The youngest brother, Kenai – The Bear of Love. Feeling insulted at the lack of manliness of his Love totem, and angered at the fact that it is represented by a food-stealing bear, Kenai disregards it. When the eldest brother is lost to them, each of the younger ones feels the need to avenge the death of their family member. Great loss often is accompanied by anger as part of the grieving process. Through their adventure, they learn that the true meaning of brotherhood and family is, in fact, love. Becoming a man isn’t something you do by being ferocious.  It is something you become when you learn to love and care for your family. Violence solves nothing. They also discover that animals have similarities to humans: they don’t try to be mean and monster-like. The purpose of their behavior is often to care for and protect their family, just like us.

Epic – Blue Sky Studios / 20th Century Fox, 2013

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M.K. has dad who is a bit different from most dads: he believes in a tiny race of people who live in the forest. This movie helps kids to see that the people you may think of as “weird” may just be people we don’t know enough about to really understand them. You may think that you know someone well enough, and that you understand them just fine, but you may need to dig even deeper. Sometimes people are working very hard in order to prove themselves the the people they care about, but don’t quite know how to express themselves in a way that will be readily understood. If we truly care about someone, we should do our best to try to see their point of view. We may just discover that they aren’t so “weird” after all.

Bolt – Disney, 2008

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This film shows a lot of what goes on “behind the scenes” of a movie. It also gives a wonderful perspective into what many people hold important (fame), as opposed to what is really important (family and friends). The life of an actor seems very attractive to most kids. After all, they seem to get love and attention from adoring fans, along with lots of money, and that appears to be a great life.This film has the courage to show the sacrifice that is demanded in order to become a star, and makes one wonder if it is worth the price. It also helps children realize that just because they see something on TV, doesn’t mean that it is true.