Category Archives: Siblings

Frozen – Disney, 2013

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Fear can be a very powerful emotion. It can affect a person deep down in their heart, becoming their enemy. It doesn’t even need to be a fear of something physical. Many people are afraid of what makes them different from their peers, and acting out of fear is often the cause of bad life choices such as Isolation. Separating ourselves from the ones who love us the most can intensify fear rather than ease it since it limits their ability to help. Thankfully, love is also a powerful emotion, even if it can sometimes be difficult to recognize true love over someone who is simply acting out the part for their own gain. Love is when your own needs seem trivial in comparison to theirs. Being the receiver of such genuine affection can “thaw” the cold fear in a heart, and bring out all of the best qualities a person has to offer.

Brother Bear – Disney, 2003

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Brother Bear
Brother Bear


Set in an arctic environment, this is a coming of age story of three Inuit brothers. The oldest has the challenge of guiding the other two, who are always squabbling. Each has been given a totem once they came of age to help guide them into manhood. The eldest, Sitka – The Eagle of Guidance. The middle brother, Denahi ‘s totem is Wisdom (although we are not informed of the animal spirit that goes with it). The youngest brother, Kenai – The Bear of Love. Feeling insulted at the lack of manliness of his Love totem, and angered at the fact that it is represented by a food-stealing bear, Kenai disregards it. When the eldest brother is lost to them, each of the younger ones feels the need to avenge the death of their family member. Great loss often is accompanied by anger as part of the grieving process. Through their adventure, they learn that the true meaning of brotherhood and family is, in fact, love. Becoming a man isn’t something you do by being ferocious.  It is something you become when you learn to love and care for your family. Violence solves nothing. They also discover that animals have similarities to humans: they don’t try to be mean and monster-like. The purpose of their behavior is often to care for and protect their family, just like us.

Escape From Planet Earth – Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2013

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Escape From Planet Earth
Escape From Planet Earth


Brothers aren’t always nice to each other. They can often compete against each other in an attempt to prove their worth. This doesn’t mean that they don’t love each other. If they can learn to work together as a team, playing up to each other’s strengths, they can accomplish anything. But if they ignore the advice given by the other, they often just create more problems for each other. Putting aside your own personal need to be on top can often be difficult, but these brothers learn that love and family are far more important. Not only did they discover how to play on each others strengths, but they also saw that you shouldn’t underestimate someone just because of their age. The youngest member of the family had some input into the rescue, with some great ideas of his own.