The Princess And The Frog – Disney, 2009

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The Princess And The Frog
The Princess And The Frog


As children, we all believe in the magic of wishes and of dreams coming true simply if we want them bad enough. As adults, we learn that we really need to add hard work into the equation. Methods involving laziness, gambling and/or dishonesty may seem at first to be the faster way towards a goal, but they are certainly not the way to go for long term success. Hard work may be the slower route, but it is more likely to pay off in the end. The one part of the equation that many devoted workers overlook, however, is the importance of love and family. All the money and possessions in the world don’t mean much if you don’t have someone to share them with. You may want success and riches, but everyone needs special people in their lives who will not only help you achieve your dreams, but who will also stick with you through your difficult times and celebrate all of your successes.

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